videophile . DVDpendence


With David Alan Basche, J.J. Johnson, Polly Adams, Christian Clemenon, Denny Dillon, Khalid Abdalla, Lewis Alsamari, Omar Berdouni
Directed by Paul Greengrass

Most of the September 11 focus usually falls on the more vivid World Trade Center disaster, then the Pentagon. One of the events on this same day which reverberated around the globe and affected many lives is the fourth high-jacked plane which never reached its target (believed to be the White House). United Airlines flight 93 unceremoniously crashed in an open field. The high-jackers didn’t reach their target because of the passengers’ bravery, overrunning them.
This tense, realistically portrayed real-time depiction of what might have transpired before and during this doomed flight makes for a riveting piece of cinema as we’re taken into the chaos and confusion on board, into the control rooms of the air traffic controllers and that of the military decision makers. Paul Greengrass’s highly believable documentary style (used to astounding effect in the Irish movie
Bloody Sunday) is a perfect match for United 93. While we all know the fate of this flight, it is the actual event keeping you nailed to the screen (with the great performances by the unknown ensemble cast), and not a who-done-it or surprise ending, but the actual there-and-then mood of tension and dread. While there are political and religious motivations behind this tragic day, it is focused on the people onboard and the futility of the event.
Bonus features come in the shape of a one hour documentary, meeting some of the real families who lost loved ones on the plane (including some emotional visits by actors portraying them). Greengrass delivers an insightful commentary track and there are also 40 pages of memorial biographies for the passengers and crew.

6 / B
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Copyright Flamedrop Productions